Thursday, January 28, 2016

50 Things I Wish Someone Told Me In High School

1. Do not spend more than $9 on mascara. Walmart sells ones that work just fine.

2. It won’t matter later on that he was on a high school football team. His heart is all that matters. Will he love you forever!?

3. Your push-up bra is obvious & you really don't need it anyways.

4. The eyeliner is out of control. Fix that.

5. If he cheats on you, say goodbye...don't wait it out in hoping he'll change. He won't.

6. Stop Instagraming or Facebooking your life. Not everyone cares what you're doing or who you're doing it with. Just stop.

7. Don’t tell your mom you hate her; you will regret it. She will be your rock later in life.

8. Innocence is beautiful. Don't ever feel like it's not something to cherish.

9. Call your grandma just because, she appreciates it & you will love those memories.

10. Some people will never like you; don’t let it bother you. Life has so many other people that will walk in just wait for them. 

11. Kill them with kindness. It's the best weapon.

12. TPing/Rolling houses is all fun and games till it rains and you have to clean it up. It's not so fun. & it takes a long time! 

13. You were beautiful before he told you. You always have been & you always will be no matter what he says.

14. Don’t believe stereotypes. Get to know people personally instead of judging them. Always open that first page of their book.

15. Don’t let one mistake define you. Figure out what went wrong & move on.

16. But learn from your mistakes. & make sure you don't repeat them. There's only life to live! Make it count.

17. Eat home-cooked meals. You will miss it one day. Ramen noodles & Totinos pizza will probably be your breakfast lunch & dinner in college.

18. Your mom can see a fake friend before you can. So when she says don't hang out with her or I don't like how she/he treats you...just listen!

19. Your dad can see a crappy boy before you can & he will most likely try to tell you in the nicest way possible because he doesn't want to break your heart. Don't break his heart by ignoring him. We only need one broken heart.

20. Enjoy your metabolism while it lasts. Because when you have kids it goes away. But when it goes away & you can't lose the weight, find a healthy way to lose it, don't succumb to the fake life of Hollywood.

21. There is more to life than Friday night. Make Memories!  That Friday night will turn into a movie & popcorn with your favorite little humans who you gave life to!

22. If your parents buy you something, whether it’s a McDonald’s or an iPhone, say thank you. They love you & you love them, please appreciate everything they do for you!!

23. You are more beautiful than you will ever know. You will probably not believe that whenever your told but it's true. 

24. Prom is not the “best night of your life,” but go anyway. It will be one of your "best memories."

25. High school years are not the best years of your life. You will find that out when you have your very first baby! 

26. However, enjoy high school while it lasts, you will miss some of it. & some of the people will make a lasting influence on your life.

27. Bad times make you appreciate the good times.

28. It’s only a bad day, not a bad life. Don't make a decision based off a bad day, it could change the destination of your life.

29. Stop comparing yourself to others; that will never do any good. Only compare you to YOU & make tomorrow a better day. 

30. Learn to forgive. Also learn that not everyone deserves your trust. Again you have to open their book at least once.

31. Learn to apologize. You're not to good to "I'm Sorry"

32. He isn’t the love of your life. Your world may revolve around him now, but I promise you dear you will be fine without him.

33. Sex does not make you mature or an adult. It actually makes you more childish if you think you're ready before you truly are. 

34. Stop pretending to be someone you are not to impress people. BE UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU!

35. Keep a journal. You will love looking back on what happened 5 years ago.

36. You’ll regret spending $90 on that Abercrombie fur vest. Pay a bill. Act like an adult. Real Life.

37. Eat the dang doughnut. 5 lbs is just a myth I promise your butt won't grow because you ate a doughnut.

38. Love isn't something you just throw back and forth in the lost and found. It's something you JUST KNOW.

39. Pray for your future husband every once in a while. He is waiting & possibly praying for you too. 

40. Pray for your future kids too. They will be the best things in your life one day. 

41. Take those ACT prep classes seriously. They will save your life. 

42. Hug your grandpa every chance you get. He likes to know he's loved to!

43. Write thank you notes for everything. Appreciation goes far! 

44. Tell your favorite high school teacher she rocks. Again appreciation is everything. 

45. Nothing good happens past midnight. So GO HOME at curfew!

46. Put others before yourself. (There are exceptions)

47. Unless that person is an ex-boyfriend. You deserve happiness, stop worrying about him. He deserves nothing. 

48. If you love God, then you should love people.

49. Stop speeding; especially on turns. Also stop at stop signs. Do you like that heart dropped feeling. Avoid it & obey the rules. 

50. Enjoy life. It goes by faster than you think.

To all of the high school girls reading this–I hope you never forget that even though life sometimes stinks, you will have plenty of moments that make you forget about the hard times. You will have moments of laughter, joy, and thankfulness that compensate for the time you failed your math test or the boy broke your heart. Be willing to adventure through life, and go through the bad with a smile knowing the best is yet to come. Embrace your innocence and stop trying to grow up. You only get to be a kid once; so enjoy the end of the beginning while you can.

"One day, you’re 17 and you’re planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.”– One Tree Hill


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